Yaşar Ateş

System and Security Administration Manager

What is KVKK? Things to know about KVKK (Episode-1)

KVKK means that Protection Law of Personal Information. You can fin the answers of what is KVKK, when it got enter into action, purpose and scope of the law questions in this content of ours. We want to start by explaining the data which is concept of information in at the 1st episode of our article.


Protection of Personal Information

Information is the name given to all the facts, events and principles that the human mind is able to acquire. Information has been the most significant asset throughout the history. Has been the most remarkable resource of wealth, wisdom and most importantly the technology. There was information a thousand years ago and today it still is. In the same way, we set rules to protect information a thousand years ago, and today we develop laws, rules and standards to protect it. Information has always been significant throughout the history of human.

Likewise, the information is among the most important assets of an organization. Organizations compile, share, sell or use for having a product or service the information they have. Organizations get damaged when the information is inaccessible or the information required for values and products that organizations produced is stolen or changed.

Information is stored sometimes on our desk, sometimes in books, sometimes papers, and sometimes systems which designed specifically. And most importantly is in employees mind. By this reason it doesn’t matter in which place the information is, it has to be protected necessarily.

Acquiring the information became easier thanks to the developments in the field of communication and technology have been continuing since the mid of 20th century. In the same way, information became more accessible for the malicious people who wants to steal, damage or share.

Information is the most important capital of the current technology era.

Today, states, organizations, companies and even individuals rapidly started to digitalize, and the information became more important for everyone.

When the accessibility to information has got easier it has attracted to malicious people, and when the value of information has increased, it caused the attacks to increase. Technology like became the access to information easier, it also made the attackers to use new technics and methods.


We Have To Protect The Data In Any Environment!

Both public and private institutions and organizations have been collecting, selling or sharing personal data for a long time in order to launch a service or product. However, within the scope of fundamental rights and freedoms of individuals, the protection of data during data processing should be a priority.

It has become inevitable to collect personal data for the continuation of the services provided by the organizations, the effective public offering of public services, the development, distribution and marketing of goods and services.

While this data is being collected, it should be mandatory for our personal rights and freedoms to prevent personal data from being accessed by unauthorized persons, disclosure, violation of personal rights as a result of misuse or misuse, due to the unlimited and random nature of personal data.

For this reason, "Convention No. 108 on the Protection of Individuals Against Automatic Processing of Personal Data" was opened for being signed on 28 January 1981 by the Council of Europe in order to protect personal data at the same standards in all member countries and to determine the principles of cross-border data flow, and was signed by our country within the scope of European Union Membership.

This contract was finally published in the Official Newspaper on 17 March 2016 and included in internal law.

Kişisel verilerin Korunması

What is The Right of Protection of Personal Data?

The right to demand the protection of personal data, which is regulated as a fundamental right as stated in Article 20 of the Constitution, which regulates the privacy of private life, has taken place in the section of the Constitution on the rights and duties of the individual with the constitutional amendment made in 2010. Likewise, the right to protect personal data may be limited in favor of other rights and freedoms within the limits indicated in the Constitution. The Draft Law on the Protection of Personal Data, which was prepared within the scope of harmonization with the European Union, was submitted to the Presidency of the Turkish Grand National Assembly on January 18, 2016.