Yaşar Ateş

System and Security Administration Manager

Which Programs To Use For Data Security?

Every computer you have in your house or work should have an antivirus program. Event though the effectiveness of the antivirus programs is debated, this should be thought as a simple hygiene rule.


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DLP (Data Loss Prevention) should be used. Purpose of these softwares is to prevent data leakage from the computer. It should be remembered that DLP solutions are %100 effective, their task is rather preventing the data to be sent to outside unintentionally.

Using an app that will control the USB memory usage. There are so much antivirus and DLP solutions that would take on this task. Which one to use should be determined depending on the institution.



Data loss prevention (DLP) is a set of tool and process to ensure that sensitive data is not lost, maliciously used or not accessed by unauthorized users. DLP software classifies the stacked, secure and critical data in terms of business and usually Identifies violations of policies defined by institutions or within a predefined policy package, often driven by regulatory compliance such as HIPAA, PCI-DSS, or GDPR. After these violations were identified, DPL makes encryption and adjusting with protective actions obligatory in order to prevent the data which would endanger the institution from being shared unintentionally or maliciously. Data loss prevention software and tools trace and control the end point actions, filtrate the data flows in corporate nets and trace the stable, moving and being used data in the cloud in order to prevent. DLP also provides reporting to cover compliance and auditing requirements and identify areas of weakness and abnormals for forensics and incident response.



Data loss prevention solves three main target which very common for many institutions: personal data protection / compatibility, intellectual property protection and data visibility.


Personal Data Protection / Compatibility: Does your institution collect and store the Definable Information (PII), Protecting Health Information (PHI) or payment card information? If so, you are most likely subject to compliance regulations such as HIPAA (for PHI) and GDPR (for EU citizens personal data), which require you to protect your customers sensitive data. DLB are able to identify, classify and tag sensitive information and trace actions and events that enclose these datas. In addition, it provides required details for reporting capabilities compliance audits.

Intellectual Property Protection: Does your institution have important intellectual property and commercial or government secrets that would put your brands economic health and brand image at risk, if they lost or stolen. DLP solutions like Digital Guardian who uses context based classification, are able to classify the intellectual property as either configured and not configured forms. When policies and controls are in effect, you can provide protection against the leakage of datas to undesired outside.

Data Visibility: Does your institution want to acquire an additional visibility in terms of data movement? A comprehensive corporate DLP solution might help to see and trace your datas at end point, nets and cloud. This will provide you the visibility for how individual users interact with datas.

Although there are three main use cases, DLP can fix various of malfunctioning other points including Office 365 data security, user and property behavior analyze and advanced threats.



Gartner has predicted that the market of total data loss prevention will reach $1,3 billion in 2020 for DLP, at 2017 Gartner Magic Quadrant. Now, updated predictions show that there is estimated $2,64 billion market volume in 2020. DLP market is not new, however among other things it developed in a way that will include services being managed, cloud functionality and advanced threat protection. When all this unified with enormous upward trend in data violations, there has been a big increase of which embracing DLP as a way of protection of sensitive data. Here are the nine trends providing wider embrace of DLP:


Growth of CISO’s Role: It has acquired much more companies and in general it hires Chief Information Officers (CISO) who reports to CEO’s. CEO’s want to know the game plan for preventing data leaks. DLP provides a clear business value about this and ıt gives required reporting capabilities for providing periodic updates to CISO and CEO.

Changing Compatibility Missions: Global data protection regulations always change and your institution should be compatible and prepared. In the past few years, deputies in the EU and New York State have passed to the GDPR and NYDFS Cybersecurity Regulations, both of which tighten data protection requirements. DLP solutions, provide flexibility of development to the institutions with changing global regulations.

There Is More Space For Protecting Your Data: Increasing use of the cloud, complex supply chain networks, and other services over which you no longer have full control have made protecting your data in a more complex state. The context of events and events enclosing your data are being seen before they leave your institution is important to prevent your sensitive data from falling into the wrong hands.

Data Violations Are Often and Big: Rivals from nations, cyber criminals and malicious persons inside target your sensitive data for such reasons personal financial income and political advantage. DLP can provide protection against all kinds of enemies either malicious or not. Only in the last few years there have been thousands of data violation and many more security cases. In 2015 database misconfiguration that leaked 200 million US voter registration caused billions of registration lost in enormous data violations such as Equifax data violation which still continuous to grow and Yahoo data violation which affected 3 billion users. These are just a few titles of which emphasizing your institutions data protection need.

Your Institutions Stolen Data is More Valuable: Stolen data is usually sold at Dark Web which individuals and groups are able to purchase and use for their own advantage. There is a financial inducement for data theft on data kinds up to a few thousand Dollars.

There Are More Data to be Stolen: Description of sensitive data has expanded in years. Sensitive data now includes intangible assets such as pricing models and business methodologies. According to Ocean Tomo’s study of intangible assets market, from 1975 to 2015, the amount of intangible assets increased from 17% to 84% of the S&P 500 market value. These assets also broke a record of 21 trillion US Dollars in 2018. This means that your institution has a lot more data to protect.

There is Lack of Security Capability: The issue of security capability won’t go away in short time and probable you felt its effect on your organization. In fact, in an ESG and ISSA survey that is done in 2017, %43 of the attenders said that they affected from the shortage. The shortage is getting worse with 3,5 million unoccupied security position which foreseen in 2021. Managing DLP services behave as of your teams remote extensions in order to occupy the gap.


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A solution that will control the user authentications (Account Management or Privileged Account Management applications). Cyber attackers access of data also becomes more difficult thanks to the applications which control and manage that which user can make transactions on which computer and app.


Privileged account management can be described as management and control of account and data access by privileged users.


Privileged user is a person who has admin authentication to critical systems. For example, everyone who are able to set and delete user accounts and roles are the privileged users.


Also a privileged account should be expanded to only trustable persons like any privilege. You give your trusted persons only accounts that has “root” privileges (like changing system configurations, software updating, changing user accounts or accessing to secure data). With that being said, like olds said, “you should trust but validate”


Even trustable access should be controlled and traced. Privileged account management is for this. Companies are supposed to continue the capability of getting back privilege in any time. And ideally most of the account privileges should be either automatically removed or subjected to periodic observation. Best application is to limit the privileges to whom need them actively.


Doing all this manually are either take too much time or impossible to do depending on their size and complicity.


However the scary fact is, it doesn’t matter what is source of attackers, stealing and using privileged accounts is a critical achievement factor for attacker almost at all advanced attacks. Privileged accounts literally the key of your IT realm. Forget the “people are our most valuable assets” nonsense, we all know that your data is the most valuable asset for almost every organization.


The bigger and more complicated is your organizations Information Tech systems; the more privileged users you have. Privileged users, workers or contractors can be a human or automated.


How Privileged Account Management Works?

PAM - Privileged Account Management - protects your systems against privileged accounts is being used for malicious purposes intentional or unintentionally.


PAM, offers a scalable and secure way in order to authorize and watch the all privileged accounts. It enables you to do these:

- Give your users privileged accounts that are only for authorized systems.

- Only give access when it’s needed and when they done take it back.

- Remove local / direct system passwords for privileged users.

- Manage the access centrally only from a different heterogenous system cluster.

- Create an unchangeable control sign for any privileged transaction.

This list can be expanded depends on your organizations needs in terms of data security and risks being faced.